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About Us

We believe that the spaces we inhabit should serve a purpose, while also reflecting our own personalities and values. The team at Datum Point Studios is dedicated to crafting spaces that are both beautiful and functional, and that are tailored to the specific needs of each client. With our attention to detail and commitment to quality, we can create the perfect space for you.

We are non-architect registered building design professionals (ASTTBC). What does that mean?

It means we provide the "middle ground" between unregistered drafters in the public domain, and registered architects (AIBC).


Our Value Outcomes for clients?

Same level of quality architect service offerings within BCBC Part 9, for less!

Datum Point Studios Custom Home 3
as featured in
Datum Point Studios - Boulevard Magazine Cover

Create your dream home.
Tell us about your project today.

© 2024 Datum Point Studios Inc.

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